WID Policies adopted from https://writingprogram.gwu.edu/wid-exemptions
All students must successfully complete two (2) WID courses.
Students may not receive credit for a WID course taken before the student has either (a) successfully completed or (b) been officially exempted from ACWR 101.
Students may not receive WID credit for more than one course in a single semester.
There are no automatic exemptions from WID.
Transfer students or study abroad students who wish to have a writing-intensive course taken at another school count toward their WID requirement must apply for said credit through the UWP Exemption Process.
Students will not receive exemption from WID for a non-WID course taken at KU. There are no exceptions to this policy.
All students should file an exemption request as soon as they have taken a course they would like WID credit for.
For graduating seniors, all WID exemption requests must be received by the posted deadline for the semester prior to the semester in which the student is scheduled to graduate. Exemption requests filed later than this point will be rejected out-of-hand. For Spring and Summer graduates: November 15 of the previous Fall semester. For Fall graduates: March 15 of the previous Spring semester.
All approved exemption requests will receive written confirmation from the Director of WID.